Friday, February 02, 2007

The great Dawn Eden is coming to Faith on Tap! She will be speaking on her book "The Thrill of The Chaste" . Faith on Tap is held at The Wantagh Inn, right across from the Wantagh Railroad Station.

February 26th, 7-9 PM

Free Admission!

Check out their website (which I created) at Faith on Tap

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

You are a 100% traditional Catholic!

Congratulations! You are more knowlegeable than most modern theologians! You have achieved mastery over the most important doctrines of the Catholic Faith! You should share your incredible understanding with others!

Do You Know Your Baltimore Catechism?
Make Your Own Quiz

This was a surprise result! Leticia Velasquez from causa nostrae laetitia created this Do You Know Your Baltimore Catechism quiz. This was a great quiz and I honestly did not expect to do this well.

(And I happen to think giving wine to the thirsty is a kind of corporal work of mercy!)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I read a little blurb in the latest National Catholic Register that Ron Hansen was ordained a deacon. He is the author of Hitler's Niece and Mariette In Ecstasy, the latter was made into a film but apparently not released in the US. Hansen also wrote a book that was adapted for film that will be out soon, starring Brad Pitt as Jesse James.