Thursday, September 08, 2005

Yeah Me!

I received Holy Communion at a local parish while kneeling this Sunday. The Extraordinary Minister came over to the first row and I was able to receive on my tongue on the kneeler, albeit not from the priest.

I will be attending a talk by Fr. Mitch Pacwa and Fr. Andrew Apostoli this Saturday. This will be at a conference put together by Friends of EWTN. This conference was supposed to happen in April but had to be cancelled at the time due to Pope John Paul the Great's sickness and death.

My blog has had a surge in visitors, apparently due to searches for "caterina bonci", the Catholic religion teacher who claims she was fired for being too sexy.
Peggy Noonan, Lee Iacocca, Nicholas Sparks, George Weigel, Jim Cavaziel, and Thomas Monaghan all have printed blurbs praising Raymond Arroyo's new book on Mother Angelica. As if that is not enough, the Angry Twins are calling it awesome! I have to get this book to add to my library. I also can't wait to see the book reviewed in the National Catholic (sic) Reporter

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

It's Payback Time

"More than 300 New York firefighters joined the battle yesterday as raging infernos broke out across this nearly empty city, straining an already exhausted New Orleans Fire Department."

"FDNY teams said helping New Orleans was the least they could do.
I know there was a bunch of them up there for us on 9/11," said Brett Asher of Engine 96 in the Bronx. "

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The wedding planning is going well - maybe because I am in the middle of the planning I found this article by a priest to be the funniest thing ever written:

An Aesthetic Argument Against "Same Sex Marriage"

Is this guy really a priest? This is worthy of The Onion.
I'm too sexy for my job, too sexy for my job, what do you think about that?

"Caterina Bonci said Church authorities decided she was just too attractive and dressed too sexy to teach religion after 14 years on the job."

Monday, September 05, 2005

A Good Sign

The Long Island Catholic has long accepted ads from a local Jesuit retreat house that holds zen sittings. The paper has even printed an article on the practice of zen. Since that article was published on July 13th Catholics have been writing (and the paper to their credit has been printing) many dissenting letters that question the wisdom of promoting zen. It is good to see there are those who can see the problem with promoting non-Catholic prayer methods while a majority of Catholics don't even bother to pray the Mass on Sundays.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Let me say this: nothing that is going on in New Orleans surprises me one bit, not the rapes, the murders, the stealing, or the heroic rescues and sacrifices. There are good people doing all they can to help, and bad people doing all they can to hurt. This is the way people are in everyday life, but perhaps people are seeing that more clearly as they watch the news.

A full page in the NY Daily News encourages New Yorkers to give all they can to help by pointing out:

"[After September 11th]....residents of the Gulf region reponded immediately, sending aid from corporations and schoolchildren alike. In fact, Louisiana's 'Bucks for Fire Trucks' campaign was the first to provide New York City with a new fire truck - The Spirit of Louisiana- in December, 2001"